Horsepowered Strength

Horsepowered Strength

What Does Horespowered Strength Have to Offer

At Horsepowered Strength I removed all the guesswork and built a custom experiece that is tailored specifically to keep you learning and growing towards your goals in way that just works - no matter your schedule or experience. My passion is will help fuel your passion.

Personal One-on-One Training

Fantastic one-on-one, one-on-two or group exercise guidance. These packages are specifically designed to develop permanent, positive changes to your health, your level of physical fitness and your overall well-being. Your progress is carefully tracked over the course of your training program with periodic reevaluations to ensure that you are progressing at an appropriate pace toward meeting your ultimate fitness goals.

Template programs available in addition to custom 4 week, 8 week and 12 week training blocks that can be oriented towards strength, weightloss, or muscle growth.

Nutrition Coaching Programs

In our first session, we’ll spend 60 minutes together and I’ll do a full assessment to really get to know you. We’ll explore your relationship with food and body image, your diet history, eating patterns, health habits and more. We will talk about your goals and develop a plan to help you reach them. Dissordered eating friendly. After the initial session, we’ll check in weekly. This will typically consist of a food journal and progress photos. You can also email me anytime between sessions.

Corporate Wellness Seminars

Health Insurances costs can be costly to corporations. By providing employees with user-friendly, practical health and fitness information that they can implement immediately is instrumental in a successful health and wellness program. Regular easy to digest educational opportunities of how to workout, in house group trainings, seminars and conferences, and bootcamps will keep health and fitness a priority in employees’ lives.
In House Group Training Programs:
The way this program works is that if you have a conference room that can fit a majority of your employees, you can host group training classes for each of your employee’s. Price varies depending on number of employee’s and classes.

Lunch and Learn:

Powerlifting 101 Seminars

Learn the big 3 - Bench, Squat and Deadlift

Each lift broken up into 5 individual 1-hour seminars, learn how to move the most weight in the most effective way. Heavy emphasis on safety, breathing and how to build a solid base. Videos, hand outs and hands on demonstration of technique will be provided at each seminar.

Horsepowered Strength - Its not for everyone. But it is for you.

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